It contains 40-64% clinker, 18-30% natural pozzolan, 18-30% blast furnace slag, 0 – 5% minor additional components. It is an additive cement type obtained by grinding Portland cement clinker together with mineral additives (blast furnace slag and pozzolan) and gypsum as setting regulator.

Cem Iv/B (P) 32.5 R
It contains 40-64% clinker, 18-30% natural pozzolan, 18-30% blast furnace slag, 0 – 5% minor additional components. It is an additive cement type obtained by grinding Portland cement clinker together with mineral additives (blast furnace slag and pozzolan) and gypsum as setting regulator.
It gains strength later than Portland cement (CEM I 42.5 R, CEM I 52.5 N) and portland pozzolan cement (CEM II/A-P 42.5 R). Water / Cement ratios are also relatively higher. It is more resistant to alkali-aggregate reaction and chemical external effects. It is generally used in repair works in buildings, plastering and construction chemicals production.